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Wildwood Estate Auction

auction1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Chesterfield, MO 63005 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jun 8
10am to 1pm

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 Terms & Conditions
All merchandise is sold AS IS -WHERE IS
SECONDARY Pickup of merchandise will be provided for ONE HOUR ON THE DAY FOLLOWING THE SALE
It will be the buyer's RESPONSIBILITY to secure and remove their items on the day of sale or provide acknowledgment of secondary pickup the following day
Items left after secondary pickup will be forfeit back to the estate
NO refunds for items removed from premises
Doors open for preview at 9am
Start of Auction is 10am
 Description & Details

Welcome to this beautiful home in Wildwood MO This sale will feature stunning Broyhill furniture in every room This house offers a great opportunity it packed with both choice items and box lots Signed bat by Whitey Herzog and othe Cardinals memorabilia A few sets mid century modern glassware We will also offering a varying selection of tools both Craftsman, Dewalt and Grizzly professional products from a separate detached workshop on the property Final pictures are now available Secondary pickup provided Friday afternoon 4pm -5pm

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