Kept House: Tools, Furniture, Houseware and Pets

estate sale3 day sale 2 days remaining
  • Directions
    Street parking only. Additional parking is on Michigan Avenue, and there is a walking path to Green Hills Road. 
Sep 13
10am to 1pm
Sep 14
10am to 2pm
Sep 15
11am to 2pm
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 Description & Details

A downsizing Hyde Park family is letting go of some of their larger possessions. A well-maintained inventory that spans three floors, basement, shed, and garage. This family enjoyed caring for their dogs, doing DIY projects, serving others, and maintaining their property. Highlighted items include: Antique furniture, Framed authenticated John Ruthven prints, Silk dining chair set, Area rugs, Craftsman tool storage, Inventory Includes: Ready to hang artwork, Dining Table, China cabinet, Housewares, Area rugs, Side tables, Accent tables, Antique furniture, Full-size bed, Queen size bed, Nightstands, Labrador artwork, Power tools, DIY tools and supplies, Holiday Decor, Lawn and Garden supplies and...

Kept House Estate Sales Company

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