Estate of Hans & Pat Suter a Lifetime of Treasures

estate sale2 day sale 5 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Corpus Christi, TX 78404 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, December 5th, 2024.
Dec 6
9am to 2pm
Dec 7
9am to 2pm
Hsiao-Hsia Tsai Hobbs oil painting early 1960’s

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Please do not call about pricing of items in this sale! We are too busy to answer questions. Just come to the sale! Some history about the family: Hans Albert Suter was born in Brazil in 1920. His early interst in chemistry resulted in his working uner a famed Austrian Jewish chemist and later Hans continued his education at Louisian State University. He wed Patricia EvelynHowe. The couple settled in Corpus Christi in 1954 for Hans to work for Celanese in Clarkwood. in 1964 he began a career in environmental Protection while continuing to teach chemistry and Del Mar College.Suter...

Estate Sales Corpus Christi

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